Words from Frances Zomer, aka Thiel Fellow Chris Olah’s Mom
Who knew…
- That your baby could speak in complete sentences before 18 months?
- That you could have a baby that preferred household appliances to toys?
- That at four your toddler would ask questions, as most four year olds do, but supply his/her own detailed answers, such as, “Where does that sod grass come from?” The “mommy answer” is, “From a farm sweetie.” Apparently this wasn’t good enough and 4 year old Chris constructed his own theory, “For you to understand, picture your cookie sheets, only deeper and longer. They are in a greenhouse. They put soil in the trays and then grow the grass and roll them up.”
What’s a parent to do?
Read More »Words from Frances Zomer, aka Thiel Fellow Chris Olah’s Mom