Which life lesson will the universe teach me today?
Which lesson will I try to learn today?
Sometimes those are one and the same; more often, not. But I keep on asking, trying, and doing.
And when I am feeling stuck at the computer, I head out for a walk or a break in the garden. I’m kind of obsessed with all the spring flowers right now. The vibrant green of new growth. The plants are resprouting and sending out new shoots even though they looked on their last legs not long ago.
Kind of how I feel. I get a spark and get going on my books or other projects. Something comes up, my energy flags, my focus gets short. Or completely disappears.
I’m starting to learn how to get it back. To be more intentional about taking care of myself – taking breaks, exercising, drinking enough water, seeing friends regularly – so I don’t end up in the land of overwhelm.
And I’m obsessed with flowers and plants with a spiral pattern because I keep having to learn this self-care lesson repeatedly.
So, I’m setting the timer for movement breaks. I filled up the water jug, picked a lemon, and squeezed some juice into the jug. I’ve got my checklist in front of me for the tasks to work through today.
And woohoo, it’s Wednesday. The night I write with friends. So daily gratitude is already on deck.
I’m going to get started. How about you?