If I’d known then, what I know now.
At least we can make changes as we keep learning.
1. Written in a journal every day
I wish I’d started blogging, even privately, about our learning adventures while we were in the middle of them. (I also wish I’d done this from day one. No baby book in our house!) I did some scrapbooking and haphazard journaling but it doesn’t capture all those wonderful moments. And those things I thought I would never forget? Well, I’m glad for the photos we have, but I wish I’d written the details.

Do the best you can until you know better. When you know better, do better.
– Maya Angelou
2. Written down every book I read
I am a voracious reader. I have wide interests, so reading was both a form of research and pursuing specific answers as well as an introduction to completely new topics. Browsing the new book shelves at the library and bringing home a huge stack of whatever caught my eye has always been a pleasure. I wish I had a list.
3. Kept track of all the resources and research I did that could be easily accessed and shared at a later date
I get so mad at myself! Because I didn’t have a system established, I don’t have all that wonderful information at my fingertips when I want to share it. I don’t always have the time to do the research again. I still struggle in these areas. I am working on doing better, but this is a work in progress for me.
4. Worried less, enjoyed more
I could have spent so much less time worrying and more energy having fun with living. Documenting can help reduce the worry because suddenly you can see the evidence of how much learning is happening even when you are not thinking about planning to learn. Focus on love, not fear.
How about you:
- Do have things you wish you had known when you…?
- Do you keep a journal? Do your kids?
- Do you keep track of books, movies, …?
- How do you organize and track research and resources?
Please share your experience in the comments! Thanks, Lisa
Hi Lisa,
I also look back at our photos and find exhibitions, museums, day trips, holidays we have done over the our eight years of unschooling and have been forgotten. You have reminded me to look again for some kind of digital scrap book so we can add photos and write a few words. There must be one! As for research, I am using the free App “Pocket” to keep a lot of things I find on the web, I don’t know if the best App to use but it’s okay for now. I started my blog last year and that has been a fun and useful way of documenting our unschooling life.