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K is for Keep

Part of the ABC’s of Learning Beyond School.  Brought to You by the Letter K. 


Keep going.  Learning beyond school may not be easy, but it is life long and so worth it. Keep your nose to the grindstone.

Keep going, even when the going gets rough, you encounter resistance,  or your energy flags.  Keep your chin up.

Keep your distance from the naysayers, those who want to keep gates closed, and those you say, “You can’t”.  Keep your cool when you must interact.

Keep in touch. Keep close to your true friends, supporters, and other lovers of learning who get it. Decide to keep each other on your toes.  Keep each other accountable.

Keep your eyes on the prize.


What word would you choose for the letter K?  What keeps you going?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments.   Lisa

10 thoughts on “K is for Keep”

  1. Pingback: How do you keep going? | Lisa Nalbone

  2. Pingback: Nine Steps to Help Self-directed Learners Deal with Difficulty | Lisa Nalbone

  3. Pingback: U is for Unite. | Lisa Nalbone

  4. Pingback: Z is for Zzzzzzz | Lisa Nalbone

  5. the word “keep” also brings to my mind the reference to a stronghold or place of refuge in a castle. the “home” in homeschool is our keep, our sanctuary, our place of safety and security. it refers to the physical building in which we live much of our lives, and it refers to the sense of community we have with other homeschoolers. our keep is the place, physical or not, where we return for a rest and a renewal of spirit. it is where we are accepted and cherished and loved.

    the keep is the place in which we can keep doing.

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